Pineapple’s Beauty Uses

Pineapple’s Beauty Uses

Basically, pineapples can be the answer to all our skincare dreams. Aside from being refreshing, this tropical fruit is also being used in natural preparations for beautiful and healthy skin.

Pineapples are rich in vitamin A, B and C, carotenoids, organic acids, mineral salts, and other nutrients that are not only beneficial for our nutrition but also for our beauty.

Gentle Exfoliator

Pineapple is a gentle exfoliator. It contains enzymes that can slough away dead skin cells and reduce the appearance of blackheads. This makes pineapple an ideal ingredient for those struggling with persistent spots.

Soak a cotton ball or a gauze in a pineapple juice and apply it on the face to cleanse or leave to act for at least 10 minutes. Then rinse with lukewarm water. Use this tonic once a week.

Dark Spot Treatment

When it comes to dark spots and blemishes pineapples may show positive results. The fruit is a natural anti-inflammatory so when unwanted spots do appear, then it will help reduce redness and swelling.

Minimize dark spots and blemishes by rubbing pineapple slices over the affected areas. Keep the slice for five minutes and wash it with fresh water. It provides nourishing to the face.

Younger-Looking Skin

We all dream of looking younger. With pineapples, we can achieve smooth skin and have a younger looking feeling. The fruit it one of the best sources of antioxidants in the form of vitamin C which helps boost our immunity and prevent the harmful effects of free radicals. A mixture of pineapple juice and some drops of lemon juice can be effective for anti-aging care.

Helps Prevent Pimples

A pimple free and blemish-free face can make us look smarter and glowing. Pineapple juice contains Alpha-hydroxy acids that can help in slowing down the aging process.

Crush the ripe pineapple and add few drops of honey, apply it over the face, and left for 5 minutes. We can also have a pineapple slice and scrub it over the face to treat minor blemishes. Also, applying pineapple juice over the face for 5 minutes followed by washing with clean water can be effective.



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