5-Ingredient Superfood Shake That Can Help Melt Away Fat And Toxins

5-Ingredient Superfood Shake That Can Help Melt Away Fat And Toxins

Some of the humblest, health-boosting recipes are the ones we overlook because they are just so – simple. If you want to rev up your metabolism, help your liver excrete bile so that it can get rid of stored fat and toxins, and wake up feeling energized and ready to take charge of your day. There are five simple ingredients you can blend and drink a few hours before bed to help your body restore its digestive system while you sleep.

Each of the ingredients listed below is time-tested. They have been used in every ancient healing tradition for thousands of years to boost immunity, cleanse the digestive tract, reduce acidity, and restore the body to its most optimum pH level – around 7.3.

Lemon – a known detoxifying ingredient, used in water fasts and as a diuretic. Also, a good, low-calorie source of Vitamin C. Lemons prevent kidney and gallstones stones, support weight loss, and improve skin quality as well.

Parsley – Another diuretic, parsley helps to flush excess toxins from the body. It also provides relief from gastrointestinal issues such as indigestion, stomach cramps, bloating, and nausea, while helping to strengthen the immune system. It promotes the assimilation of nutrients and helps your body expel metabolic and environmental waste. Parsley also supports kidney functioning.

Ginger – Another ancient medicinal herb, ginger root is a powerful digestive support, reduces inflammation, is antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antiviral, and helps to reduce stress!

Apple Cider Vinegar – ACV offers so many helpful health-boosting activities, it’s hard to name them all, but for a brief overview, ACV supports healthy blood sugar levels, reduces toxic overload, returns the body to proper pH, clears candida overgrowth, tones the skin, relieves allergies, and more.

Cinnamon – Cinnamon fights free radicals. It boosts your sex drive. It combats PMS. Cinnamon also boosts cognitive functioning, regulates your blood sugar, heals the common cold, reduces inflammation in the body, improves your mood, and helps you to get rid of toxins.

Water – If you haven’t read up on the Japanese water cure which we wrote about at Mind Unleashed earlier, you’ll want to. Water is amazing for cleansing the body of fat and toxic build up.

You’ll need:

1 lemon
½ – 1 cup chopped parsley
1 tablespoon of grated ginger
1 teaspoon of ACV
1 cinnamon stick or 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder
Half a liter of water

Simply blend the above ingredients in a blender, and down the hatch it goes. If you drink this for several days in a row, particularly before retiring as a meal replacement, you’ll notice increased energy, clearer skin, an ability to concentrate more easily, and an overall sense of rejuvenation when you wake in the morning.

As with any drastic change to your diet or lifestyle habits, you may undergo a “healing crisis” (when things get worse before getting better) as your body purifies itself of toxins. This will pass.

Enjoy your rejuvenated health!

Important Notice: This article is originally published by Christina Sarich in www.themindunleashed.com where all credits are due.


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Dr. Farrah® is a highly experienced Licensed Medical Doctor certified in evidence-based clinical nutrition, not some enthusiast, formulator, or medium promoting the wild and unrestrained use of nutrition products for health issues without clinical experience and scientific evidence of therapeutic benefit. Dr. Farrah® has personally and keenly studied everything she recommends, and more importantly, she’s closely observed the reactions and results in a clinical setting countless times over the course of her career involving the treatment of over 150,000 patients.

Dr. Farrah® promotes evidence-based natural approaches to health, which means integrating her individual scientific and clinical expertise
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