Healthy Ways To Naturally Cleanse The Kidneys

Healthy Ways To Naturally Cleanse The Kidneys

Kidneys are responsible for filtering your blood and removing toxins from your body through your urine. When this organ fails to sufficiently filter waste from your blood, kidney failure occurs. Heart disease, liver failure, dehydration, severe infection, allergic reaction, and severe burn are some of the conditions that cause kidney failure.

Some of the factors affecting the health of your kidneys include severe dehydration, exposure to environmental pollutants, and certain medications, certain acute and chronic diseases, and kidney trauma. Due to these, a person may experience persistent nausea, unexplained shortness of breath, a reduced amount of urine, confusion, excessive drowsiness or fatigue, and swelling of your legs, ankles, and feet from retention of fluids caused by the failure of your kidneys to eliminate water waste.

You can avoid all these problems by having a healthy lifestyle, balanced diet, and body cleansing. Removing all the toxins and also the excess liquids from your body will help you protect your kidneys.

This article will teach you how to make a homemade remedy that can help clean and improve the functions of your kidneys.

Juice Cleanse

Vegetables are essential in making this recipe. You can include parsley, lettuce, celery, cucumber, carrots, kale, spinach, and zucchini. Likewise, fruits such as pineapples, apples, pear, oranges, and peaches can also be used. Simply mix all these ingredients in a blender and you can have an instant healthy drink.

Kidney Cleanse Beverage

Here’s another recipe you can try. You just need the following ingredients: organic apple cider vinegar, fresh lemons, and purified water. Just combine all these ingredients and drink for at least 4 consecutive days. It will help you clean your kidneys and body from toxins.

Lemon Juice

Studies have shown that this naturally acidic juice can increase the citrate levels in urine, which in turn discourages kidney stone formation. Just squeeze 4-5 lemons in cold water or if you prefer a warm drink, squeeze a lemon in an 8-oz of warm water. Regularly consume it in the morning before eating breakfast.

Cranberry Juice

Consuming this juice can lessen the body’s calcium phosphate, which is the reason behind kidney stones. Make sure that the cranberries you’ll be juicing have no sugar and artificial flavorings.

Beet Juice

The betaine content of beets makes this juice highly beneficial. Its antioxidants and phytochemicals can boost the acidity of the urine and helps clear-up calcium phosphate build-up, thereby promoting kidney function and decreases the possibility of the formation of kidney stones.



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Dr. Farrah® is a highly experienced Licensed Medical Doctor certified in evidence-based clinical nutrition, not some enthusiast, formulator, or medium promoting the wild and unrestrained use of nutrition products for health issues without clinical experience and scientific evidence of therapeutic benefit. Dr. Farrah® has personally and keenly studied everything she recommends, and more importantly, she’s closely observed the reactions and results in a clinical setting countless times over the course of her career involving the treatment of over 150,000 patients.

Dr. Farrah® promotes evidence-based natural approaches to health, which means integrating her individual scientific and clinical expertise

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