10 Foods That Will Rid Your Body of Heavy Metals

10 Foods That Will Rid Your Body of Heavy Metals

heavy metals

It has already been an established fact that the build-up of heavy metals in the body can result in a slew of negative health conditions, according to a fully documented and peer-reviewed meta-analysis published in the journal Molecular, Clinical and Environmental Toxicology. 

The study has concluded that not only the environment is compromised when it comes to heavy metals but the body’s overall health is also threatened and endangered. As the study says, an analysis of published data indicated that heavy metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, and other heavy metals appear naturally on the planet. However, the contamination of these metals by human hands adds significantly to their environmental contamination.

The heavy metals I mentioned previously are carcinogenic with negative health effects on individuals manifesting as neurobehavioral and neurologic disorders, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, hearing loss, different types of cancer, hematologic and immunologic disorders.

Flushing these toxic elements out of your system can avoid it from wreaking havoc to your central nervous system or can create damage to the integrity of your blood cells, liver, kidneys, and lungs; as well as induce lower energy levels.

To help you flush out these carcinogenic toxins from the body, we recommend these 10 different foods that will help detox and flush out the heavy metals from your system:


Ginger helps in protecting and invigorating your kidneys. Fully functioning kidneys lead to better elimination of toxins from your body.


Usually taken as a supplement or as a powder. The blue-green spirulina algae is a great source of folic acid. It is also effective in eliminating heavy metals from the liver and nervous system.


Previous studies have discovered that garlic helps greatly in keeping away the toxic effects of cadmium and mercury.

Probiotic foods

Probiotic foods are most helpful in generating high levels of lactic acid that binds to heavy metals.

Citrus fruits

Similar to lactic acid, the abundance of the citric acid component of citrus fruits helps in binding them to metal atoms and leading the toxins outside of the body’s system.


Cilantro is the herb that’s easily sourced from your neighborhood grocery or can be grown in your backyard garden. It is a herb touted by Survivalists and Doomsday preppers, an herb that you should have with you in case of nuclear fallout. It possesses strong chelating attributes that bind to heavy metals and flush them out of the body.

Milk thistle seeds

This plant, particularly its seeds, protect against the toxic effects of mercury, studies say.

Alpha lipoic acids

What would we do without alpha lipoic acids! Plentiful in Brussels sprouts, peas, broccoli, and spinach. The element can cross the blood-brain barrier and whisk out the heavy metals from your brain.


It is a type of algae that is helpful. This is responsible for binding with metal deposits in the body and flushing them out.

Activated charcoal

We have activated charcoal tablets here in our pharmacies. Like any chelating agent, it sticks to metal atoms and flushes out the heavy metals from the body.

Now that you know these different foods, you can start finding them and use them to protect yourself against the effects of heavy metals in the body.

Image by PhotoMix / CC0 1.0

Copyright 2022, DoctorFarrah.com



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